Monday, June 10, 2013

Flipping The Classroom With FIZZ: Katie Gimbar & Dr. Lodge McCammon at T...

This TED talk with Dr. Lodge and Katie helps explain what it means to "Flip" a classroom, how it works, and what it does to create a more effective learning environment.

Last week, Dr. Lodge and Katie came to our classroom at Meredith College to discuss "Flipping the Classroom," answer many of our questions and talk about how this classroom model might look in an Elementary school classroom.

After watching several of Katie's videos on YouTube and hearing what she and Dr. Lodge had to say while sharing with our classroom, I am convinced that this model for teaching is far more effective than they traditional classroom model and offers more flexibility for what a teacher can do with their time in the classroom.  The biggest point made in the advocation for using the "Flipped Classroom" is that is opens up valuable class time for differentiated instruction and investigative activities.  Students will now be able to spend the majority of class time working with their peers to practice and implement they major concepts they have been introduced to with video lectures outside of class.

I do not believe that this classroom model will necessarily be easy to put into place.  It will take time and experience to create and upload videos that I can take pride and confidence in.  It may take time to convince parents, students, and administrators that this model works and will benefit both students and teachers in all subject areas and at any age.

As a pre-service teacher, I am excited to learn more about the different technologies out there that will allow me to teach smarter, not harder.  I believe that the "Flipped Classroom" is an effective teaching structure for combating many of the challenges teachers face in meeting the needs of each individual student.  I plan to take a course to learn more about putting the "Flipped Classroom" in place and am hopeful that I will be better prepared for teaching in today's ever changing world.

For more information and questions on how the "Flipped Classroom" works, you can find more of Katie's videos on YouTube.  Flipped Training


  1. Anna,
    I'm pretty stoked about the flipped classroom as well and will most likely take some courses on it for my professional development. I also hope to implement some aspects of the flipped classroom during my student teaching if my cooperating teacher is on board (of course). I really cannot think of any negatives that would outweigh the positives for this model. You are right though, it will take time!

  2. I agree that there are definite 'pluses' to flipping but like anything, I think perhaps the novelty might wear off with students. Take a peek at Larissa's blog to see what she found about flipping in kindergarten...Not sure what the teacher she highlights is flipping in quite the same was as the NCSU folks!
